Blog - Posted at 2016 8

Frequent quick copy or Move

10/26/2016 8:23:00 AM by Admin

To copy quick to a certain location without jumping to copy and paste
I usually get files in certain location, and most of the time want to move/copy them into same destination location

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Easiest way to unprotect Workbook or Worksheet without password

10/25/2016 8:40:00 AM by Admin

Looks like there is a bug in new Excel dealing with old Excel files
Tried that several times and it worked every time, it did actually remove the password for protected view of Worksheet and Workbook, it did not remove the protection, just the password.
So, If you have xlsx or xlsm with Workbook view or Worksheet view protected, do the following:

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Numbers to Arabic (online free ervice)

6/13/2016 11:38:00 AM by Admin

This is the online version of Num2Ar that is directed to Arabic speakers.
As some of you might already know, I did the Num2Ar back in 2007 even though I added to my website in 2012.

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My new business cards

6/13/2016 10:46:00 AM by Admin

I thought it is time to push it a little further and we fix some issues with the old one.

So here is the new one that am going to use once it arrive :-)

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More LinkedIn

6/13/2016 10:29:00 AM by Admin

I am targeting more posts to put on LinkedIn
Seeing the reaction I am getting from posting in LinkedIn, I am going to put more and more posts on LinkedIn, then post it here too

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Alwah again?

6/13/2016 10:27:00 AM by Admin

Looks like we are back to Alwah
I am getting some time now to get back to, it has been few years since I stopped that website and lost all these clients, not a good start.

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My #LinkedIn #password

4/27/2016 2:24:00 PM by Admin

Formula = Secure Strong Password

Having same exact password for multiple sites or logins is really something you should not do, am sure you already know that.

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4/18/2016 1:26:00 PM by Admin

Comment un-comment lines quickly in VBE
Visual studio has CTRL+K, C and CTRL+k, U (keeping CTRL down, and pressing K then C or K then U) to comment and un-comment line or lines
VBE for VBA does not have that.

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